Hawaii - pictures

High on the ridge looking over Waimanalo

Oahu has some very uncrowded beaches if you know where they are

Char-su manapua          Yum!

Climbing the waterfalls in Palolo valley

Getting up to the ridge required some faith in old ropes

Lisa not too happy with climbing down
while Todd happily descends to the crater
Hiking along the old lava rocks along the coast
Found this amazingly clear tide pool and happily went for a swim

Todd points out the fresh guavas
Lots of backgammon
Todd's neighbor Sam let us pick fresh mangos
Sam Sr. directs Lisa with the picking pole
Days and days of fresh mangos!

Makapu'u point
Bad day - broken toe #3 in 2011
Broken toe + Walmart = free motorized scooter ride

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