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New Website Address

Our new website address is

Please visit as we continue our ride from Bozeman, MT, west to the Pacific Northwest and south to San Diego.

Hawaii - pictures

High on the ridge looking over Waimanalo

Oahu has some very uncrowded beaches if you know where they are

Char-su manapua          Yum!

Climbing the waterfalls in Palolo valley

Getting up to the ridge required some faith in old ropes

Lisa not too happy with climbing down
while Todd happily descends to the crater
Hiking along the old lava rocks along the coast
Found this amazingly clear tide pool and happily went for a swim

Todd points out the fresh guavas
Lots of backgammon
Todd's neighbor Sam let us pick fresh mangos
Sam Sr. directs Lisa with the picking pole
Days and days of fresh mangos!

Makapu'u point
Bad day - broken toe #3 in 2011
Broken toe + Walmart = free motorized scooter ride

Riding down under

Back on the bikes, now on the left side of the road
Unfortunately the tropical "wet" season was not over so we took shelter where we could find it
Waiting at the train station for a ride south and out of the monsoon conditions.  This bench was our home for two days until the flooding subsided enough for the trains to run. 

Little, black Australian flies.  They are unfortunately very friendly

Climbing up into Border Ranges National Park

Lisa in the jungle of Nightcap National Park

Out of the mountains and back to the sea
South of Byron Bay
We love food... and meat pies are pretty high up on the list. 

Three days on the old Glenn Innes road

We ask for local advice on "the least traveled road"  Found it!
New South Wales

Riding along "Thunderbolts Way"

Piglet races at a local fair.  I lost money on #3

Just so the cow has no delusions

Bogan dream machine